Spirit Animals Wiki

The Siege of Stetriol was a Wyrm battle during Broken Ground, when infected people attacked Stetriol. Rollan and Abeke had been present in Stetriol to find Tasha, the summoner of Ninani, but when word had spread out about her summoning during a parade in honor of Ninani (due to the negligence of Ernol), the bonds began to fray and the fireworks were now aimed at the rebuilt Stetriol. The Stetriolans were under attack; many if the infected were spreading across the city. King told Abeke and Rollan to go save Tasha, and by the time they got to the castle, Bern and a few other Greencloaks were the only ones remaining preventing the infected from getting Tasha inside. The duo saved Tasha and escaped through the castle, only to be surrounded by the infected at the docks despite Bern sacrificing himself. They were overwhelmed until King brought on a team of Redcloaks: Stead, Shadow, Worthy, and Howl. The Redcloaks saved the team and fought the infected, but the battle was not yet over. While they had escaped, Arac and Nisha had both been infected on board the Tellun's Pride II, causing the trio to throw both of them overboard. The team later received a message sent from Lenori saying that Greenhaven had fallen.


Stetriol has been sieged but meanwhile, Greenhaven falls to Zerif. The Archane Fields are destroyed, and Zerif advances upon the world.


  • While Zerif controls the infected, he is absent for the whole battle taking over Greenhaven.


War: Wyrm War

Participants: People of Stetriol, Greencloaks, Redcloaks, infected

Victor(s): Tie

Previously: The Fall of Phos Astos

Next: The Fall of Greenhaven
